Saturday 9 March 2013

always on the move..going nowhere

we've been out and about recently. consequently i haven't blogged much. apologies.
also i have had a lot going on it my little brain of mine and havent really been n the right mind set to sit and put it all out there. again, apologies.
i often find that i have a lot of avenues of thought that don't really go anywhere. i think it comes from being part of a generation with too many options.
dont get me wrong, options are good! i'm not bashing options! bring on the options. it just means that the fear rushes in from time to time.
am i making the right choice? would i rather do something else? it makes it difficult to stick to something because committing to one thing means you may well be missing out on something else. my working life is a great example of this. i have chopped and changed my jobs as if they were outfits. the longest i've had a job was for 5 years. for a 31 year old i'm not sure if that's unusual or not. either way, it's a drag, not knowing what to do.i'd like to be any of the following:

a psychologist
a primary school teacher
a wool shop owner
a travel writer
a professional dog walker
a professional crafter
a radio dj

HAH! do you see any patterns here? me neither. there are other ambitions but they are fleeting. these are the ones that have come up again and again and yet i have done none of the things to bring me closer to any of these careers.
ahhhhhhh fuck it.
just life innit?

here's a song

1 comment:

  1. I feel exactly the same sis; too many options, worried I'll make the wrong choice, not sure I want what I think I it because I don't know myself well enough? who knows! In the end I don't make a choice; I wait to be forced and then I complain. HA!'re not alone :) x
