Sunday 13 January 2013

here we are

so then, here we are.
after telling a few friends "yeah, i'm gonna write a blog" and feeling like a bit of a tit it's now put me in the agonising position of having to write THAT first post. euurgh.... all other blogs i read make it look so easy! 
i've been sat here for the last few days, paralysed with fear as to what to write cos once it's out there folks, it's pretty hard to take back. figured it was best to just dive in and start blabbering. stick with it kids, i will learn to curtail my jibbering over time for sure.
my decision to start a blog was basically out of rebellion against facebook. the long and short of it is, facebook and i had a turbulent relationship. we had good times, we had bad times. but sadly it didn't work out. it was turning me into one of those people i started off saying i would never become when joining that pesky network about 4 years ago.
yes i aired dirty laundry, yes i facebook stalked people, yes i revelled in how many "friends" i had and yes......i killed far too much of my time on there when i could have been doing better, funner...well ANYTHING, literally ANYTHING else. the time i knew i had to break it off was when i got embroiled in someones relationship woes and starting receiving private message abuse from a former "friend."
facebook...its not you, it's me. we've changed and grown apart. you deserve better and frankly, so do i.
adios dear friend. maybe one day we can give it another go but for now, time apart will do us both good. see ya later, bye, bye, no YOU put it down, no YOU, no YOU put it i've exhausted that analogy, you get the picture, right?

anyway, deep breaths luce, deep..calming...breaths.......
there's no avoiding it, christmas and new year came and went with the usual annual fanfare. the slow and continuous building up of a 3 month hysteria fuelled by sinister tv ads and work colleagues announcing "yeah, i've got all of my presents"(like, whatever dude), was over in the space of a week and we were dumped wide eyed, blinking and shell shocked into 2013 with a feeling that we got conned somehow.
i'm sorry kids, i don't mean to sound so cynical. i enjoy christmas on a level. i guess when i have my own kids i will enjoy it even more but as a 31 year old, childless girl, christmas is a weird thing to endure. it's never been my favourite holiday  (that little honour is reserved for halloween, the king of occasions if you will) but you know, this year, i have to say old sandy claws was good to us and we had fun. anyways, here are some photos to prove it.

1. the all its glitzy glory
2. my little momma
3. the bear, amazing my sister-in-law with his cracker magic trick
4. the standard family pic
5. the not so standard family pic
6. improvising around a forgotten tripod stand
7. my amazing pappy
8. beautiful old photo
9. hah! look at this fella!
10. me and my momma
11. the lot
12. christmas outtake
13. the newly weds
10. the bear hug

sorry about the photo onslaught! i have actually cut these down from my original selection!


  1. this was a lot more fun than scrolling through facebook. well done on your first blog! I look forward to the next installment.
    My dog just farted and it's started to snow. I must dash.x

    1. Why thank you kind sir! I appreciate your comments! Especially about your dog situation and the weather! ;) x

  2. Good entertaining work dear friend. Nice photos too, but er where is buddy?! xx

    1. Ahhh! Buddy will get her own buddy based post soon ( she's a massive egotist so she will enjoy that!) x

  3. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and yes, you're right, it's far more enjoyable and personable than FB (I'm currently one of those twatty people that spends far too much time on it....I must address this soon before it's too late). Adam apologises for the abusive messages he sent you on Facebook but you did get between him and Luke so you kind of asked for it....

    Anyways...Adams farted and it's started snowing so I must dash.
