Monday 21 January 2013

so i've come home from work with what feels potentially like a head cold and, as anyone who knows me knows...this happens a lot, i mean like every couple of months or so (seriously) and it made me think that anyone who doesn't know me and may read these random nuggets of thought (fingers crossed) may wanna know more about the me and the bear.
First of all, who is the bear?
the bear would be my long suffering cohabiting boyfriend. he is big and hairy and therefore i refer to him as the bear. it's pretty much as simple as that really.
he's a carpenter, he wears plaid shirts and jackets and he has a big beard. 
he has a sort of lumberjack vibe going on which i guess is the opposite of a bear in a way but the image of a big bear living in my house amuses me and therefore its stuck.i don't really call him bear to his face as that makes me feel sort of icky as i'm not really into the whole pet name thing but i will address cards to "the bear" and buy him bear related gifts.
he looks like this:

Cute huh? he also sports some tattoo's, making him even cuter in my book.he is the kindest, sweetest most patient, infuriating know-it-all i have ever met and i wouldn't change him for anything. he's my best mate before anything else and i'm very lucky (most of the time) to have him on my side, fighting my corner in life. anyways, enough of that, i need to talk about the kid *ahem*sorry, the dog.

buddy.otherwise known as the budster, bud bud, sillypup, that mangy mutt or naughty hound.
the newest member of the house, we took her under our collective wings and we've had her now for  a little over a month and the truth is...we can't really remember what life was like without's weird how that happens. for one thing she is incredible comedy value. 
it's been snowing this last week and watching her charge around like some kind of manic toddler is hilarious. she also has little to know spacial awareness and living with her means keeping one eye on her oversized bonce, worrying that it will collide with a table edge, again, much like you would with a manic toddler. she is cute, cuddly, and very much the bears dog.
there are many many pictures of her (us being proud parents an' all) and at some point i'm sure i will post them but for now, this is the one and only, the Budster:

again, cute huh? please excuse all the crap i the background of the photo. i would say that that is unusual for us to be so free with our mess but i would be lying. it's a sickness that we are trying to cure.

so lastly, leaves me. i'm a 31 year old drifter in life really. i try a lot of things and wait for them to stick. the main things that have stuck in my life so far have been music, films, reading and crafting. by crafting i mean crochet, knitting and sewing. something of which i will bore you with over time i'm sure. i'm not a good self promoter so for now, i will just post a picture and be done with it.

so that's us. no great mysteries here! 
when i'm feeling less crappy i will try and come up with some more inspiring posts but for now, im tucked up in bed so this is all i got people! na night.

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