Tuesday 29 January 2013

project 11

i haven't written much on here lately and that's mainly as there's been a fair amount going on, lots of decisions to make and lots of bits and pieces to plan which always makes me feel like i'm not making enough of my free time.
I do tend to bitch and moan about not having enough time to do the things i want to do and then when i have that time i can't motivate myself to do anything!
(yup! i'm one of those people) i find it difficult to focus, thoughts scattered all over. too much i wanna do. so much in fact that i get scared and don't know where to begin!

so. i've decided to become proactive.
i have decided to set myself monthly goals as having a deadline usual kicks me into shape, even if it is just for my own stuff.

one of my big loves (but the thing i get the most scattered thoughts about frankly) is making stuff.
i can knit, i can crochet and i can use my sewing machine but i am at basic level at best!
i tend to only really make things when it for a purpose rather then for enjoyment lately, such as birthdays, christmas craft fayres...and i need to sharpen myself up and learn some new skills before i get bored with my limited knowledge and hit a wall so.
today i've been picking through my craft magazines (mollie makes is one that i tend to buy when i see it) and chosen 11 projects to make.
1 a month. (i know what you're thinking "there's 12 months in a year" but cut me some slack, this month is almost over k? k!)

i'm aiming for:   3 knitting
                          3 crochet
                          3 hand sew/embroider
                          2 sewing machine (only 2 mainly as it can be a bit antisocial so i get put off doing it!)

hey!you never know i may squeeze in some more if i'm super speedy.

so. february. this is for you! owl gloves. i've made gloves before but only from my own pattern so following a pattern with a motif (yikes) is gonna be a whoooooole new experience for me! so, here goes nuttin.
i will post pictures as and when i start these bad boys. wish me luck!
(oh and to any friends or family reading-be warned, most of these little "projects" will probably become birthday/christmas presents for you, no matter how rubbish and mis-shapen so best hopes i get the hang of them aye?)

Project 1: Owl Gloves( i refuse to call them wrist warmers-they are fingerless gloves, end of)

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