Wednesday 6 February 2013

video killed the radio star

it kinda sucks for various different reasons. i'm not good with the cold and i have to say i'm not a fan of snow. don't get me wrong, i get a little pang of excitement as much as the next person when you look out of your kitchen window and see a blanket of snow-not because of snowball fights and building snowman though! oh no, it's mainly because for a split second, i'm weighing up whether there is enough snow to warrant calling work and saying that i can't make it, as the snow is too bad.
this is then shortly followed by the crushing disappointment that i live in the centre of town and there is no chance in hell i can use that as an excuse...oh well.
coldness and annoying snow days aside, i don't actually mind the winter, i can even stand getting up in the dark and going home in the dark for one reason, and it's the only reason i's boxset/movie season in our house.
winter is a time when you can get away with being completely antisocial on a friday and saturday night without the fear of reprisal. everyone wants to stay in when it's cold and, lets face it, there's no better way of getting through a wintery night then watching episode after episode of a truly wicked telly series.

and in no particular order, here are some of the most wicked ones that have gotten me through the depression on winter:

1)the sopranos
the life of tony soprano and his two families: the one at home and the one who puts the bread on the table. best characters ever created for a tv show ever-i challenge you to prove me wrong. I've seen it all the way through from start to finish 3 times and i came out of it wanting to be married to the mafia
bad bits: a dream sequence that goes on for two whole episodes in season 4, oh and you can't rely on your much loved characters staying alive for a full season.
favourite character: carmela soprano, tonys long suffering highly intelligent wife.

2)the wire
drug dealers and cops but who are the good guys? amazing dialogue! blackly funny and not a duff season amongst  all 5.
bad bits: if i had to choose my least favourite, probably season 2. it's not set on the corner, thats the only bad thing!
favourite character: it's between bubbles and omar little, you've just got to love them, no matter how naughty they are. and they are naughty boys.

3)freaks and geeks
heartbreakingly sweet take on life as a high school kid set it the late 70's early 80's.
bad bits: there aren't any. literally none, well some of the actings a bit wooden at times but practically everyone in it went on to be a star such as james franco, seth rogan, jason segal.
favourite character: harold weir-the main characters dad, has some cracking one liners including "You know who used to cut class? Jimi Hendrix. You know what happened to him? He died! Choking on his own vomit."

4)sons of anarchy
men with beards and tattoo's riding motorbikes, whats not to like?
bad bits: we're on season 5 at the moment and i'm not feeling it as much as i was. also one of the characters tara has become almost unbearably annoying.
favourite character: opie (*sob*) who looks almost exactly like the bear.

5)breaking bad
beaten down by life chemistry teacher walter, turns bad ass crack dealer.
never rooted so hard for a crack dealer before.
bad bits: you do begin to wonder how he keeps getting away with it!also walter's wife skyler is so annoying you want to kick her in the ovaries.
favourite character: jesse, walters slightly over trusting partner- grows from a ridiculous wigga to shrewd business man.

6)boardwalk empire
1920's glamour mixed with politics great clothes and great characters
bad bits: sometimes can be a bit draggy and dry in places
favourite character: jimmy-you can't help but fall in love with the romantic boy, even if he does turn into a bit of a jerk come season 3

7)twin peaks
weird, wonderful and frankly terrifying who dunnit....and you'll never guess who did it!
bad bits: sometimes the music bed in the background of the scenes can grate a little, the bear can't watch it as is annoys him so much, and the characters of james and donna are so gut wrenchingly vomitsome and pointless that you can pretty much skip their scenes and not miss a thing.
favourite character: pete martell. long suffering husband to the cheating knife tongued catherine, he has some of the best lines including: "she's dead, wrapped in plastic" and "you're not gonna believe this..there was a fish in the percolator!"

8)modern family
very simple premise of three different family set ups, leans to some of the most hilarious one liners ever in a comedy series, bar none. seriously.
this is a new one for us, discovered on netflix and possibly the best comedy series i've seen (blows friends  out of the water) me and the bear were crying with laughter at different points, it's honestly that good.
bad bits: the most recent series seemed to have less identifiable scenerio's to your average watcher
best character: cam, the farm boy, big cuddly bear of a man who is flamboyantly gay with a heart of gold

9)mad men
the life and times of a 1950s-1960's advertising agency with some of the most incredible furniture and clothes to covert. it's a feast for the eyes.
bad bits: i'm struggling to come up with any...maybe...not enough joan?
best character: joanie, she's intelligent, sassy, beautiful with a great ass and boobies. she is a dream on the screen and gets some great lines.

now, i'm leaving a space for 10, here's always room in my life for another great boxset.
other ones i considered (but didn't quite make it into the coveted realms) were:
the lakes which is incredible, close contender, maybe i should watch that again soon.
this life, would bring back a lot of memories of my teenage years!
walking dead, pretty good, some wewl gud killingths....

i'm always open to suggestions?
go any good ones? i'm all ears! (and eyes)